Approval of all motions proposed at the AGM
Media release
Reinach (Aargau), 25 May 2023
Approval of all motions proposed at the AGM
Aluflexpack AG, a leading European manufacturer of premium flexible packaging and barrier solutions, held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) of shareholders in Dübendorf on 24 May 2023.
All of the motions proposed by the Board of Directors were accepted.
The AGM approved the Annual Review, the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Statutory accounts for the business year 2022. The balance sheet result will be carried forward and no dividend will be distributed.
Furthermore, the AGM granted discharge to the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board for their activities in the business year 2022. The AGM also approved the total compensation for the Board of Directors and the Management Board.
The AGM re-elected Martin Ohneberg as President of the Board of Directors and Alois Bühler, Christian Hosp, Markus Vischer and Bernd Winter as members of the Board of Directors for a term of office until the end of the next ordinary AGM. Christian Hosp, Bernd Winter and Martin Ohneberg were also re-elected as members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee.
KPMG and the Law Office Keller Ltd were both confirmed as external auditors and independent proxy for another year, respectively.
The AGM further approved all proposed amendments of the articles of association (partial revision), including the abolition of the authorized capital through creation of a capital band and other amendments related to the revised Swiss corporate law.
Martin Ohneberg, President of the Board of Directors, says: “I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our shareholders for their trust and support. The year 2022 brought numerous economic challenges, but remarkably, Aluflexpack managed to overcome them, and continue on its growth path. The Group’s well-invested platform, development competences and highly motivated and skilled employees make us feel optimistic about the future.”
Upcoming events[1]
21 August 2023 Half year results: January to June 2023
2 November 2023 Q3 sales statement
Media contacts
Akim Bogdani
M&A and Investor Relations Manager
+43 664 8581 138
About Aluflexpack AG
Aluflexpack produces flexible packaging solutions for end markets such as Coffee & Tea, Pharmaceuticals, Pet food, Confectionery and Dairy. Its long-lasting customer relationships with locally operating companies and large international corporations alike are underpinned by well-established industry insights, flexibility in customer service and development competence. Headquartered in Reinach (Aargau), Switzerland, Aluflexpack has production facilities in Switzerland, France, Poland, Türkiye and Croatia. It had 1,537 employees as of 31 December 2022.
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[1] Ad-hoc releases will be reported after market closing.