Initiative „From plastic caps to expensive medicine“
As a company, we aim to provide a contribution to the community and help those in need. Therefore, when the opportunity arose to support the Croatian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association, we were eager to respond!
We are pleased to present a humanitarian initiative in which all employees of Aluflexpack Group in Croatia will have the opportunity to help and support those in need by collecting and donating plastic caps, thereby additionally contributing to the preservation of the environment.
“Ubaci čep za skupi lijek!” (Gather the plastic bottle caps for an expensive medicine) is a humanitarian action by which the Association of Leukaemia and Lymphoma patients has been collecting funds to help its members for almost ten years. The association works with the aim of helping patients suffering from haematological diseases, developing new research programs and treatment methods.
This humanitarian campaign is carried out throughout the Republic of Croatia. The association accepts plastic bottle caps in the form of donations from various companies and educational institutions, and by selling them obtains money that will be used for medical treatments, enabling families to stay near the place of treatment and financing the necessary medicines and medical aids.
Aluflexpack recognized this project as a noble initiative in which we help those who need our help and at the same time have the opportunity to contribute to global efforts to preserve the environment.
Join us in making the world a better place!