Together we create
a meaningful impact!

“We are continuously working the execution of our sustainability agenda, and are highly proud of the significant progress, be it sustainable product developments, decarbonization of our operations on our way towards net-zero emissions, health & safety or human resources. The high recyclability of our products is one of the elements that position us as a Packaging Success Maker for our customers, investors and other stakeholders. We are fully committed to embracing these opportunities and leading the way in sustainable packaging solutions.”

Johannes Steurer, CEO

The Aluminium Flower represents the sustainable growth enabled by its excellent properties and reusability.

  1. recyclable & reusable

    Aluminium is infinitely recyclable with no loss in quality: 75% of aluminium ever sourced is still in use today!

  2. lightweight

    Aluminium is lightweight and maintains its full properties at very low thickness, resulting in space efficiency and savings in transport!

  3. Barrier

    Aluminium provides 100% protection against light, moisture, oxygen and other gases, as well as against microorganisms and bacteria, thereby preserving products and ensuring longer shelf life!

  4. heat resistant

    Aluminium is very conductive to heat and withstands a range of temperatures from very cold to very hot without losing its mechanical properties!

  5. longer shelf life

    Aluminium foil in food-packaging applications saves more resources than are needed in its production – its mechanical and barrier properties ensure longer shelf life!

  6. energy saving

    High barrier properties permit long-life conservation of products packed without refrigeration, thus saving energy!

  7. reducing food waste

    The longer shelf life of products packed in aluminium packaging ensures less food waste!

Climate care

Aluflexpack's Sustainability Strategy 2025+ aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by driving circularity in products, prioritising decarbonisation and the use of renewables, environmental stewardship and operational sustainability in production.

▪ Aluflexpack committed to Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) Near-Term and Net-Zero Standard in May 2023
▪ Submission of climate targets and roadmap (Scope 1+2+3) to SBTi by the beginning of 2025 at the latest
▪ Increase share of renewable energy in production (33.2% in 2023)
▪ Increase share of renewable electricity to 100% by 2030 (90.3% in 2023)
▪ Increase share of low-carbon aluminium in our product portfolio to reduce GHG emissions by up to 50%
▪ Reduction of emission intensity (4.8% yoy in 2023)
▪ Responsible water management, ensuring no contamination pollution to the environment and more efficient consumption of water resources

Drive circularity

Building on our commitment to sustainability, Aluflexpack is a leader in promoting circularity in the packaging industry. Key to our strategy is the high compliance of our products, especially our aluminium products with the upcoming Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), thanks to their exceptional recyclability. This compliance is enhanced by the unique ability to incorporate high percentages of recycled content in our aluminium packaging, offering a distinctive opportunity to foster a circular economy through closed-loop systems.

▪ Reducing packaging weight, resulting in a lower CO2 footprint
▪ Increasing the recyclability and reusability of our packaging
▪ Recyclability & LCA calculations as a service to our customers
▪ Development of aluminium packaging solutions with a high recycled content
▪ Development of PVC-free inks and lacquers and GLYMO-free adhesives
▪ Engaging in cross-industry organizations: CEFLEX, Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE), European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA)

Act responsibly

Aluflexpack respects and protects all forms of labour and human rights and respects diversity, equity and inclusion. It also ensures that its safety approach applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and visitors on site. Aluflexpack always strives to strengthen its partnerships with employees and the communities in which we operate. Aluflexpack pays great attention to ensuring and preserving a Safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors, and visitors. On a group level, we have developed and are tracking group targets that measure our commitment to proactive HSE culture.

Aluflexpack core focus areas are:
▪ Wellbeing of employees
▪ Safe and healthy work environment
▪ Continuous improvement of our internal HSE management system
▪ Operational excellence (Quality Management)
▪ Learning and development
▪ Equ(al)ity opportunity for employment
▪ Diversity, equity and inclusion in all areas
▪ Community Engagement

Transparent foundation

The Aluflexpack business ethic is to demonstrate a high level of transparency through regular publications and annual sustainability and financial reporting. Aluflexpack has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption and bribery. Fair competition is a very high priority in our day-to-day business.

▪ ASI Performance Standard & Chain of Custody Certification for two plants
▪ Commitment to responsible sourcing
▪ Commitment to Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
▪ Stakeholder engagement
▪ Development of Supplier Code of Conduct
▪ Sustainability reporting according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
▪ Increase traceability of ESG footprint
▪ EcoVadis Gold medal for AFP Novi (2022)
▪ SMETA / Sedex (AFP Novi + Omial)

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Climate care

For Aluflexpack, this means reducing emissions to a very low level, switching the energy consumption to a high proportion of renewable energy and taking care to keep our impact on the environment to a minimum, including careful use of water.

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Drive circularity

Aluflexpack endeavors to ensure that all of the products are reusable and recyclable as well to increase the percentage of recycled raw materials used, and to ensure high material efficiency by reducing process residues and recovering waste.

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Act responsibly

Aluflexpack respects and protects all forms of labour and human rights and respects diversity and inclusion. It also ensures that its safety approach applies to employees, contractors, suppliers, and visitors on site. Aluflexpack always strives to strengthen its partnerships with employees and the communities in which we operate.

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Transparent foundation

The Aluflexpack business ethic is to demonstrate a high level of transparency through regular publications and annual sustainability and financial reporting. Aluflexpack has zero tolerance of all forms of corruption and bribery. Fair competition has a very high priority in our day-to-day business.

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We participate in external initiatives and organizations aimed at advancing aluminium and aluminium-based products, as well as packaging manufacturing in general.